Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Singer In Me


He taught me singing “Hotel California” by the Eagles when were kids which I memorize the lyrics until today. He went on winning the school talent-time with the song whilst I was having hard time revetting my pitch.

I liked the part that says "They stab it with their steely knives.... But they just can't kill the beast" apart from the opening of the song, "On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair.... Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air" And, my head voice will only be out at the chorus line as if I am a good singer, "Welcome to the Hotel California.... Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place).... Such a lovely face". I'd be singing from the top of my lungs.


The one in the picture above is my good friend. Not just good friend, I can say that he is one of my only handfuls of best friends I have in this world. His name is Zaid. He used to be a rock singer with a band called BELANTARA in late 80’s. He (the band) has made hell of a name in the local music industry at that time.

It started when Zaid was still studying in Pullman, Washington in the USA. The band was formed by students of Washington State University and University of Idaho with Zaid as a vocalist. After jamming sessions in an apartment basement, they start sending demo tape for recording. They got their break when they were called back for recording in Singapore.

He then heads back to the USA to finish his Engineering studies after the recordings were done.

Fast forward, he is now enjoying doing his Sound Engineering work in his own studio in Kota Damansara apart from producing songs for new talents, even nasyid for that matter. Namely, Rabbani is one of them.

I think it is no big deal for me if I want to start off a new career to be a singer. Zaid can always help me out to produce album for me. Or, at this age, am I too late for that? Or simply not much of talents I do possess as a pre-requisite for me to be one?



ruby ahmad said...

Hello Gab,

What can I say but, 'GO FOR IT!'

Why not? You already have the connection...don't hesitate. Sing Gab Sing!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Theater, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

jaketbiru said...

... when the smoke is goingg downnn...

jom marhaban gab.. jomm jomm

Theta said...

Do you play an instrument Sir Gab?
If yes, that would sure to help in sealing a record deal ;)

Also, chicks would love an artist who can play well (apart from singing well).

Hey, if Mama Rina can get airtime, so could you!


silversarina said...

salam brother,

Better late than never.... give it a try... I'll be among the first to get your cd , make sure ada jugak lagu kelate :)

dlt said...

Nak menyanyi la pulak? hehe! mesti lagu2 oldies nanti kalu Gab nyanyi. nanti kalu wat album hello ler... hehe!

Anonymous said...

mmmm... will u do the photo session for the URTV-cover, H.Raya version or joining Mawi/Anuar Zain for the secretary's week show..:)


~ GAB ~ said...

To ALL --> Did I give the impression that I can sing and am a good singer with my entry here? LOL. You are wrong guys. This is another way of telling that, I CAN'T SING.

~ GAB ~ said...

ABANG BEST --> You're always the best. hehehe. Will do, I can always enjoy your singing but you don't expect me to sing though.

RUBY --> Smile! It's cynical in my entry in the first place Ruby.

~ GAB ~ said...

NIDE --> Marhaban will be nice. heheheh

THETA --> I do play guitar but only 1% of that Jimmy Hendrix. Sealing the record deal? LOL

~ GAB ~ said...

SILVERSARINA --> Hmmm... perhaps dikir barat will do. And I want you to be my backup.

ABANG BEST --> Love that song... and I want to listen you singing it in real life. In our next meet, Abg Best.

~ GAB ~ said...

DLT --> Of course will be all oldies. But my oldies are all heavy. Just like Iron MAiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath etc that makes the songs crazed by the youngsters now sound like kindergarten songs.

KOPI O --> I am laughing reading your comment. LOL


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