Thursday, May 22, 2008

Moronic product of edification


It captures the imaginations of kids with this icon of a Japanese cartoon series. The irony of it all is, many years ago, it became an issue and debated over in the Parliament. I don't know whether the MP was silly or Doraemon was too influencial until it makes a debut in the Parliament.

I was once wondered why kids like to watch cartoons!? It took me long before I got the answer, that not until I stumbled upon an article about it in the local dailies.

As kids do not possess the complexity in thinking, simple by nature; they would prefer to see things in simple form. The outward appearance of cartoon characters made kids easy to be acquainted with, perhaps requires less chemical processing in the brain to finally accept it as something they like.

The cartoon character is only drawn with the basic outline to resemble the look as for the eyes, nose, mouth and ears which finally sheathed in the shape of human face. Likewise the basic outlines are applied to resemble animals and objects too.

For kids, that is enough to incarcerate their thoughts and imaginations as those are life characters, impartial to the level of their brain activity.

But we adults, our minds are corrupted, way too sullied to see those simple characters without harboring thoughts of proper skin tones, precise facial expressions with specific facial muscles at work, a degree of grace in movements and all until it becomes less appealing to enjoy those cartoon characters as much as kids do.

In short, we make things complicated. Throughout the years lived, we keep on adding unnecessary paraphernalia in our standard for taste and liking. All the basic outline and figure of things are no longer enticing as we keep on piling the pre-requisites for our penchants.

Onto that, little wonder the real fight between humans is only demonstrated when they are grown-ups and are smart enough to discern between good and bad. The irony is kids fight more often than adults do even at a snap over a cookie. But, due to their simplicity in way of thinking, the inferno settles down as quickly as the outburst and tantrum built up and oblivious over the earlier affray.

Adults can be at their lowest point, worst than kids. Adults even fail to see flag as a flag when they start seeing what colors and design they made up to be.

Sheesh! Kids are better than you!

Boys of Kg Baru
I was driving around on that Saturday morning looking for good place for breakfast and it brought me to Kg Baru area, a traditional village in the heart of the city of Kuala Lumpur. I stopped over at Dewan Sultan Sulaiman to find out that an open field next to it was filled with school kids from the elementary school nearby.

Coincidently, a busload of kids stops over in that afternoon when I was there at Sultan Abdul Samad Mosque, KLIA



Sue.Aleen said...

"kids no not possess the complexity in thinking, simple by nature"

errr... i love to watch cartoon.. so supposed i fall into this category... means am i better than an adult? hehehe... ironic!

Makcik Runner said...

i love watching cartoons, especially when i watch them with my kids. they're a joy to behold, laughing silly over cartoon antics. a good therapy over a bad day.

u watch cartoon?

Syaliza Abdul Rahman said...

Sir Gab :o)

I am still a young girl at heart and I love cartoons! I spend most of my time at home alone and cartoons keep me entertained rather than the other channels. I've even managed to get hubby to watch some toons before bed so that he can unwind.

I love cartoons! :o)

Anonymous said...

I encountered a statement about being creative as being able to see things differently. I could see this in many people and most of them are children...

Sir Gab...Pedra Branca is gone... so sad...

Anonymous said...

sometimes i enjoy watching cartoons becoz the characters make me feel `forever young'.
If i'm not mistaken, u will attend a conference in Japan, something to do with animation rite ? sorry, can't remember where did I read this...:)


jaketbiru said...

addiction of genarations..
the influnces of media relization..
terlentur buluh dari rebong...

moronic ker?? hehehehehe
teenage mutan ninja turtel..

~ GAB ~ said...

SUE ALEEN --> That's cool. hehehe!

KC --> Some cartoon series like the Simpsons for example, they have the adults issues in it regardless of medium presented in animation. So, no harm for adults to watch cartoons and no harm to see the lighter side of the things to laugh silly like you did. In a way, I do watch cartoon a lot more than Malay drama series or movies. Errr... as a matter of fact, I don't watch Malay movies.

~ GAB ~ said...

SYANA --> Enjoy it. No doubt they can be very entertaining and a good way to unwind.

SYAZE --> how tru. Those innocent hearts would see things differently. One classic example is about the moonrover that used to travel on the surface of the moon. The idea was initially coined and conceptualized by a kindergarten kid of 6 years before the idea was expanded.

~ GAB ~ said...

KOPI O --> Tell me about those characters, some of them stick on my mind until today, of which I do believe to certain degree, each of us does have that too.

And you remember it well. Yes, I was supposed to be in Japan for Tokyo Anime Award Competition 2008 in March but rather unfortunate, the general election has interupted my program, and I settled for work in Southern Thailand instead.

NIDE --> Go turtle.... YEah! hehehehe


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