Thursday, December 13, 2007

Musing Over Rain, Reminiscing Winter

Pardon me for having a quick update on my blog. Only last Saturday I had my previous entry posted.

It’s raining in the evening these days, most of the evenings.

I love it.

I don’t know what kind of character would suggest I am for liking rainy days.

Just like those days in the US, I would prefer winter better than any other seasons. May be it’s beautiful in spring and nice colors of leaves in the trees in fall season. You may enjoy some phenomenal view on the changes of colors from day to day, spend your precious minutes watching leaves fall off that unwittingly kills your invaluable hours, as much as you may take pleasure in seeing the vegetations start to blossom in spring season until it creates heavenly scene all over the place.

Or perhaps the carefree of summer too.

But I like it cold.

I liked it to be wrapped in a heavy coat, with a pair of gloves, winter boots, thick sweater and bandana around my neck and also a cap & earmuffs when the temperature drops way below freezing point with ridiculously harsh wind chill factor. But I hated it when I had to use chapstick (a kind of lip gloss for winter use, if not lipstick). It makes me feel like my lips an-inch thick and when it dries up in the chilly winter breeze; it ends up your lips turn whitish like a type of monkey in Barbados. Initially I refused to wear chapstick as I imagined like a lady would but I ended up hurt my lips. You know when it’s exposed to cold winds, your lips will be too dry, you smile, and the surface tension on your lips becomes too great and it cracks. Bloody smile! And blood oozes out, like a Dracula.

For the consumption of people living in temperate countries like us in Malaysia that have never experienced winter in your life, do you know that in winter when it’s cold, it’s really cold? The kind of cold you'd have never imagined in your life. Nah, they would be running around naked for the kind of cold in Genting Highlands.

It could even freeze up the whole river and we would then have fun skating on it. It sometimes freezes up petrol in the gas tank of your car too.

You know, when it’s too cold, you’d feel like your ears are falling off? They say it does but I never came across one. And are you aware of the myth that if you pee in the open when the temperature falls below freezing point, your urine will freeze right up and you can see the spurt of frozen urine arched?! Don’t believe in it, of course it’s a myth.

Another myth is, if you lick up a metal object that exposed in cold, your tongue will stick onto it and when you try to pull it off, it snippets a good deal of the surface of your tongue. Foolish of me, I did try that on a guard rail next to our apartment. And prooven it’s not a myth. I was struggling to take my tongue off. Friends were laughing like hell. And it took me some time to have my tongue healed and even longer time as a subject of ridicule.

What about the story when I started off just now telling about rain? Oh yes, I like it when it rains. Again I am telling you.

It brings me back to the time when I was a kid.

We lived in kampung with poor living condition. When it rains, the ground becomes mushy and muddy. The only way to move around outside the house was to step on mud. Don’t even think of using shoes or sandals. They are of no use.

I remember when we had to brave through marsh of mud of calf-high for some 500 meters before we hit the main road to school. We would then hold our shoes in hands with funny looking schoolbags tied on our back. We only had our shoes worn after cleaning our feet at the well next to the wakaf at the main road, the point which did just half of the journey walking to school.

On our way back, just when we started to enjoy the warmth and comfort of our shoes, we had too soon reached the wakaf. Took them off and prepared for a sail through a marshland of mud and sludge yet again to get home. We thought we had cleaned the mud on our legs thoroughly in the morning but sometimes it stays filthy for the whole schooling day just like when we thought we had cleaned them sufficiently when reaching home but occasionally we slept with it till the next morning.

And guess what? The game we played after school sometimes had to deal with mud too. To the very least, we did enjoy sliding in the football field just like a pro stealing a ball from the opponent. Avoiding the squirt of mud into our face already requires half of the skills needed on the field and it perhaps contributes half of the fun for the game.

Scoring goals were only bonus.

That was all due to rain….

It was not too pretty then but it is a sweet thing for me to reminisce today. And we don’t talk about monsoon season towards the end of the year just yet. It’s another nice story altogether for me to relate. They call it flood but I call it big waters that cover the entire village. Love it! I used to write about this a year ago, Here but I’ll illustrate it in another perspective in future.

What makes me today? The rain still is dearly to me.



Anonymous said...

This entry reminds me of my trip to Kongsberg during end of winter back in 90's. Enjoy seing the landscape there but I appreciate our natures more since I don't like cold. And I think banjir is fun sometimes...:)

- G O R O - said...

Thanks for drop by.

I like rainy days too.
your entry reminds me that 'kampung boy' always work hard. for instances;

You Sir....

Kak Elle said...

Like u I too like the cool weather give me the snow or the rain anytime I survive!!hahaha

arZOoo said...

very nice.....

~ GAB ~ said...

KOPI O --> Kongsberg... That place must be in Norway. It's darn cold up there. I mean cold, cold. Too long under the freezing point is no fun either. And I have a good impresion over banjir despite of it's actually a misery for people to go through. Love to see the ocean of water spreading across the land... hehehe

ABANG BEST --> I have since learnt how to make a good use of my tongue. wekekeke

Kak Elle --> You have a cold heart Kak Elle hehehehe... Well, I am not alone then.

ARZOO --> OK Zue, enjoy it.

~ GAB ~ said...

GORO --> Sorry, missed you out.

Yeah, kampung boy I am. Even though it only consumed a small fraction of my life living in kampung, it has created big impact in my life. May be kampung life is always associates with slow and nice living condition. My friend used to say, kampung life only look good in poem and anecdotes but the reality of people living in there is not. They would wish for better living condition.

Kiah Kardashian said...

Rain means money for tokey dobi. I have to send my dirty laundry...yeay for me i guess. Heheh.

Lollies said...

I have always like it cold. But i prefer autumn. somehow it feels so much more romantic with the wondrous of colours and the feeling so solemn.

in the middle east, i definitely prefer the cold weather too. after months of scorching 50+ celcius, i welcome this winter. its winter time round now. still not cold enough at the moment. (and will never be snow) but ahh its the best season.

i wrote once here

D said...

I was never really bothered with the biting winter nights (and days) during my undergraduate days. But today, must say that it freezes me deep within... Give me monsoon rain any day!

Fauziah Ismail said...

Salam Gab
Blogg-hopped from NJ's. Your posting makes me missed the winter I experienced in New York and UK years ago.
The thrill of the seeing snow for the first time was short-lived by the blast of cold, cold air.
I hated having to bundle up with layers and layers of clothing when out of the house and having to strip after entering a warm and toasty interior.
I still like the rain. I like the smell of the rain especially on grass. Soothing to the soul.

NorAiniJ said...

Salam Sir Gab,

Just like Lollies, somehow I like autumn slightly better than winter during those years studying in US, maybe bcoz autumn projects the kinda of serenity brought by the different colors of leaves, etc.

Nice reminiscence of kampong boy life sir..sincerely from a kampong girl myself :D

~ GAB ~ said...

Zakiah --> Thanks for coming. One man's meat another person's poison as what they say.

LOLLIES --> Autumn or Fall as the Americans prefer to say, is nice too. Beautiful colors of the leaves in the trees. And starts getting cold.

For you now over there, enjoy your winter then.

D --> Well, I assume you like what I do like. Smile!

Fauziah --> Managed to peep at your place. So nice. After all you are a trained writer. I'll check on you every once in a while Fauziah.

NJ --> Always nice to trace back during younger days as a boy in kampung. Just to tell you how much I missed my childhood in kampung. Shortlived when I had to enter boarding school and had since living in cities. One day, I'll be back, just like what Dato' Lat did, now, (I saw a documentary about him on TV) he's back to the house where he grew up and still pursuing his creative career from there.

IBU said...


This makes me want to launch that paper boat in the drain the next time I rains! hehehe.... I'm sure my boys would love it! I did! La ni asyik float the boats kat bath tub jer.. tak de kick.

I think their jaws will drop if I were to I give them that green light to play 'near' the rain - not quite in the rain la... nanti demam, ibu jugak yg susah .... we'll see...

Thanks for the sweet reminder bro...

~ GAB ~ said...

IBU --> I noticed one thing; kampung boys hardly fall sick as compared to the boys living in town. They'd dive in the river, play in the rain, slide in the mud, filthy from head to toes, and yet they are very healthy. The only reason I can think of now is like the antibody has been developed throughout the living and living conditions they have. Just like when you go to India and have a drink at the stalls there. Chances are, you'll fall sick, but not for locals though. They are accustomed to it for over the years and developed some kind of resistence.


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