Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Paleolithic in Us – Hailed From the Caves

Only in the recent civilization of the world,
mankind started to establish and institutionalize jobs and its specific nature, type and category that people would do for living.

You can be anything today; from technician to engineer, from musician to politician, from kindergarten teacher to university lecturer, from medical assistant to brain surgeon, from ambulance driver to F1 race-car driver, from bicycle repairman to rocket booster specialist, from minyak urut seller to fighter aircraft trader, from GRO to PRO, from storekeeper to company chairman and from housewife to jobless husband.

If folks from pre-civilization era were to wake up from their graves in today’s world, they’d die on their feet due to shock within minutes of their resurrections, if not, chances are they would be sent to psychiatric asylum for failing to grasp the assortments of jobs in today’s contexts.

It does not mean that prior to the modern civilization people did not do work, let alone to suggest that the earlier living humans did not have specific things to do. Those Homo Sapiens, Cro Magnon races or Paleolithic men, as we fondly call them cavemen in our contemporary term, did too have their jobs and worked to bring back dinner to the family in the caves.

I presume that during the cavemen time, the works, tasks and duties were segregated into much simpler form as compared to today’s standard and measure. Probably they might have started off to segregate using gender-based; men would go out hunting and women would stay in caves to raise their young, help gather edible fruits, leaves, nuts and beans in the “orchard” nearby the caves and help roast meats of men’s day catch.

“Phewww… What a bad day! I ain’t catch a single damn boar today…”

“It’s OK honey! We do have some berries I plucked this afternoon”

“Grrrr… May be my club is way too small, need to have bigger, heavier!?”

“Oh no, honey dear! It’s just not your day. Am sure you’ll have a better day tomorrow!”

That could possibly be the exchange of words between a distressed “husband” and a supportive and caring “wife” on one fine evening at the mouth of the cave whilst kids are drowned in their own world playing with their pet tortoise that lucky to be too small for a barbeque.

I have a theory. I think, the initial part of it, both genders would be out of the caves doing similar things until such time they figured out it would be better if men and women would assume different roles. That would probably happen only when they started to see their daily living would run rather smoothly by dividing tasks. They were far cry from female chauvinism and bigotry. It’s just that, nature had taught them to compliment each other to have things in place.

From the initial move of gender-based segregation in tasks and duties that saw the efficacy and efficiency in daily living, they started to get more profound and insightful. Gradually, the idea would be like, let one group focuses on skills in a few things while other groups would tackle other parts of it.

Throughout the course of living – hunting and gathering food for survival, they would then see explicit needs to master on specific skills for the individuals. Hence, works, tasks and duties were beginning to get more complex if not sophisticated, that would see them go deeper in knowledge. They went through stages of developments and evolutions in learning. As their clubs get bigger and heavier, the demands for knowledge get further and farther. As they were busy grinding and sharpening axes and spears in their errands, their knowledge also started to grind and sharpened by the day.

Over the course of time, not only they have perfected the essential skills for them to survive, but striving from one milestone of achievement to another, that in turn, it has done wonder in the civilization of mankind.

Eventually, after millions of years, it makes us living the world as we live today and doing what we do now.

Well, starts from this point onwards, you will see an idiotic or may be preposterous thinking that can only be written for blogs purposes, far removed from the world of intellectual sense.

(This is the beauty when you have time in hand like I do now)

I just wonder what I would be doing if I had a chance to use time machine to travel back through time to be in the eon of cavemen.

Since I am now in the business world dealing with IT, I wish I would still be dealing with something similar in my Paleolithic time. The way I see it, IT stems from the words information and technology. Cavemen loved to disseminate their thoughts, leaving traces of information by drawing & painting on the walls of the caves with a fair deal of “technology” of their time.

So then, my trade is to prepare you the technological side of it, apart from tools. I would barter-trade for good chunk of meat and fresh berries or may be a cave-girl for me to marry, have kids and live-happily-ever-after. In exchange, I’d provide you nice spots on the cave walls and tools for you to write, paint and draw with. But, since you’ve been my good friends all these while, I’d give you free space on the cave walls for you to draw just like the way the cyberspace today provide you free to blog with. Hahahaha!

As it does in our modern world to connect & communicate using internet or to broadcast & spread our feelings and thoughts through blogs in particular, it’d do the same to your drawings & paintings on cave walls. It will last for millions of years that later the asinine archeologists would meticulously study what you had drawn.

Now tell me, what would you like to be in your Paleolithic time?

GAB: I have a “caveman” friend hailed from Batu Caves.



zafi said...

hey get me one kawai cave-gal too!
im desperate! LOL
instead of paleolithic i would rather chose neolithic...sophisticated one echehhhh! better than mesolithic... xoxoxo :P
come on,
live out life to the fullest
smile and have fun with it...
salam eid Adha!

Mazza Homemade Cookies said...

It seems very difficult to live during paleolithic time..I would rather not going back to the era..becoming engineer cum lecturer kira okaylah..hehe

Salam Eid-ul-Adha to you..

Theta said...

That's a tough one. I would probably have itchy feet and travel to see whether I could indeed fall off at the edge of the world. :D

Unknown said...

Bloghopped from bergen. Nice post there(",).
Hahaha. I'd rather live the way it is now. No need to pull the string of the crossbow, or throwing the axes, or make traps to get some food to live on. Today, just tunggu Hari Raya Qurban, dapat makan rendang daging hahahaha.
Keep well, Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha.

Lee said...

Hello Gab, enjoyed reading your this very eloquent posting.
To live back in the Jurassic ages? I think I'll settle for the 50's and 60's, ha ha.
For me those years are far enough, have seen the first traffic lights installed in KL (jalan Ampang/Campbell road), the first telephone, rode in bullock carts join my Malay friends 'mandi safar' I think thats the word?....seen movies or 'talkies' when no sounds, and the times when Chin Peng was very active, till Merdeka.
Oh ya, I was wayyyy back in the very early 60's a UK trained Systems Analyst on IBM 360/20 main frames using COBOL, then Century 100, NCR using Fortran 1 and 2.
But got bored pushing a pen and scratching my head all day, I wanted to reach for the stars and switched jobs to business marketing. The rest was history, never looked back.
Regrets I have, but too few to mention. But I sure had fun.
I take this opportunity to wish you and all at home seasons greetings, happy holidays and a very happy new year. My best regards to you,Gab, Lee.

Pak Zawi said...

Aha, I can see two of my good friends Akmal and U Lee has left their marks here.
Personally the pace we are developing is too fast and too furious for us to really enjoy life. When I visited the orang asli vilages and Gua Cha of Gua Musang, I could visualize how easy it was for them to survive even in prehistoric times when food were aplenty and survival was easy.
Things changed with the coming of development. The orang asli have to watch Astro now and ride motorbikes. They are now entrapped into the system called 'bayar ansuran' which is something non existence some years ago. I bet life ain't the same for them anymore.
Given a choice I would love to live in the 70's as I was still young then hahahahaha. Missed those times when petrol only cost RM1.80 a gallon. You may not have much money but what little that you have goes a long way.

ManaL said...

Whoaa sir, a lot i need to read and u know what, even though i didnt leave any comment on those previous entries, the thought of winter and so on just struck a chord with me. Even when i passed that saujana utama sign board along sg.buloh hiway, i thought i had a friend there by name of Gab.

What is it like being a cavewoman eh? That reminded me of that movie: 1 million years BC with raquel welch on it. Its a 60s movie but i 1st saw it a few years back in the UK. Agreed to Pak Zawi that amazingly, such a primitive life is still practised (not wholly but it does retain many primitive elements like animism beliefs and so on) by those aborigines in our country and other places around the world. I'd prolly be like an amazonian queen heheh....

~ GAB ~ said...

ZAFI --> You are way too advanced and highly sophisticated my man. The model for time machine I am using is designed to bring you only to Palelithic time. Neolithic, mesolithic and what not is the thing of a dream as far as the time machine I am using is concerned. And… You won't be sorry. hehehe Kidding! Yeah, I am trying my best to live life to fullest for I can't afford to leave this world with sadness. Thank you for your wish, likewise, similar yet belated wish to you, too.

MYFISOL --> I can assure you; you'll make hell of great engineer if you are in your Paleolithic age now. And you can still practice your teaching skills too. LOL... Yeah...yeah... Of course, I know you are doing great teaching big kids all the skills in Engineering that you know of at the place yo are at now. Salam Aidil Adha to you too...

THETA --> At a very instance your comment, it reminded me of a movie "Gods Must Be Crazy" when that indigenous guy found an empty Coke bottle that being thrown from an airplane by a Western chap. It has been heckuva journey for him to execute the task of throwing the bottle at the edge of the world, of which he finally did.

Anonymous said...

I left these :) :-) :-D and `:-) at the cave wall afer reading this... fuhh penat lukis!

~ GAB ~ said...

U. Lee --> You are a well-qualified professional of your own right U. Lee. Only now I know. Not many people back then would go study what you’ve studied, in the field of computer engineering, system analyst thing. It was way too advanced for people back then. What do you expect, as what you said, when in 50’s and 60’s we were still nowhere, even in the global context. Interesting to note that you had an experience to ride on bullock carts that I myself lived in kampung when I was little didn’t have chance to experience it. It was long gone by then. You’ve got it right… mandi safar. And even that, I didn’t have a chance to see it first hand. By the time I grew up, it has been ditched form the values of Malay society, proportionately to the revolt of new understanding in religion fundamentally.

And, from what I understand, reading what you have written in your blog, I am very sure you’ve reached the stars you had vouched for all those years.

Have a good life ahead U. Lee.

~ GAB ~ said...

ZAWI --> Thank you for coming. The march of time is inevitable. The values of life are changing at an alarming rate for all races, tribes and clans of the world, that one day it’s safe for me to say that, we may be adopting a single value or rather values that universally recognized. By then, East and West perhaps adopting something quite similar in nature and the morals, ethics and ideals would assimilate in a single melting pot. You can’t tell what’s originated from North as what have been instigated in the Southern Hemisphere. And I do share the same sentiment as you are ZAWI, in the past 30 to 40 years perhaps the better epoch for us to live. Comparing apple-to-apple on the quality of living between now and yesteryears to the youngsters of today, perhaps even they would prefer for a voyage to the living years of the past.

MANAL --> I have the impression that you have been too kind to me MANAL, and I do appreciate that. Likewise when I talk to my friend lecturing over in UKM, Zamri Murah and Zawawi Samba in Engineering Department, I’d relate to you as one of my blog-pal that I have. Smile! And every now and then, I’d tell my wife on my impression of having lecturers like you who are blogging, just another way of telling her to blog too. But she refused me flat. Smile again. And thank you for keep coming and read what I have to write.

What a good idea for having a thought to be an Amazonian Queen. hehehe

KOPI O --> The kind of trace you have just left is priceless. But the beautiful thing is you have made things easy on archaeologists in your future to understand your message. The kind of smile icon used will definitely put a smile on them too. They would then come up with the thesis and journals concluding that, stone-age men of the past were smiling just like us today and from the paintings discovered with trains of smile icons, it would suggest that they were actually happier than we are now. Smile. :-)

ManaL said...


Zawawi Samba is your mate? oh dear, kecik dunia ni....i've never spoken to him at all before but we did for the 1st time at our last faculty meeting earlier this month. Since then, he began to greet me whenever we came across each other. Naah....ape yang too kind nya, when u deserve it, u deserve it.

Makcik Runner said...

u'd just been tagged by me mister! go check it out at my blog to know what it is all about....

i'll have to come back later to give my response to this entry...mak oii panjangnya!

~ GAB ~ said...

KC --> You can take my words for it. I'm more than pleased to answer to those questions. I've seen that before from other blogs and how I wish no one would tag me up. Wammmp.... now you do. hehehe Errrr.... take your sweet time to read what I had to write KC, no obligations, no nothing. I had all the time when I was away from office.

ABANG BEST --> You know what? Since they were stone-age people, they made full use of stones, rocks and pebbles. They used those to do their accountings. hehehe Let me guess, right after this, in hundreds of years to come, the world will see the crash of civilization due to greed of mankind. They'd create a disaster, nuclear war and what not that would wipe out all the existing achievements of mankind. It must be by then, at the brink of the Armageddon. Accounting-wise, it'll be worse than people in stone-age, perhaps they don't even need to have it, survival would top the chart of daily priority.

IBU said...

"what would you like to be in your Paleolithic time?"

Wahhh...susah tu. Hmm.. maybe I would start a "cave cottage" wood industry to complement the 'rock' era. Carve out thin layer of woods as foot wear for cave ladies. So that they won't hurt their feet when they go out looking for the berries. Yes, I'll barter trade some advertising space in your cave wall for a good pair for your cave girl la Gab, anytime! hehe.

~ GAB ~ said...

MANAL --> Small world indeed. May be one of these days when I am over at UKM, I'll go find you, and have a cuppa.

IBU --> :-) Cool! Don't you think it'll be good to start introduce high heel for the cavewomen to wear? hehehehe

~ GAB ~ said...

ABANG BEST --> It perhaps intrigues you with the thoughts of what future would hold for the survival of our very earth down the road. I am opinionated or rather blinkered into thinking of that affluence, wealth & opulence; prosperity and material comfort as you may term it, could only just be the contributing factor for the crash of civilization. Why it to me is the contributing factor? Because, the affluence, in the first place supposed to spur the civilization to new heights indefinitely, instead of another way round. The only possible reason is when the affluence would then work at its best in the negative side of it, becoming a catalyst that change the tenets in humans. And thus, the prevailing attitude as what the orthodoxy is will naturally lead to the doomsday.

Syaliza Abdul Rahman said...

Hi Gab :o)

Hmm... I'm pretty happy with how things are right now :o) no cave homes for me, thank you :o)

And speaking of 'free space on the cave walls for you to draw just like the way the cyberspace today provide you free to blog with' ... I thought that you would like to know that I accidently deleted my blog. OMG! I know! What to do ... *uhuk uhuk*

anyway,... I'd like a new wall, please? hehehe

* a new blog is in the making for 2008

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by Random Rarebits 2. I've moved my blog to Come by and visit! Cheers!

Happy 2008!

~ GAB ~ said...

SYANA --> Kesian Syana.... It's OK, you still have plenty of space for you to utilize on the cavewalls of cyberspace and I can expect it's gonna be equally good stuff for me to enjoy reading.

"NO NAME YET"??!!!

PENGLIPUR LARA --> The very meaning of Penglipur Lara itself is the "The Story Teller". Am pretty sure you inherit much of the traits from our forefathers in their stone-age and tell people what you have to tell - blogging that is. Thanks for coming

Makcik Runner said...

if cave dwellers in that era look like something in the flinstones movie, heck i wouldnt mind being transported to that time. i only need to learn to adapt myself with all those manual gadgetries...

the only thing is i dont want to look hideous like the neanderthal people with protruding head and extended jaws or something like that...yikes!

~ GAB ~ said...

KC --> The modern look of us today would piss the cavemen off. Of all you know on the standard of Brad Pitt's look and posture, he will be the worst looking man for their time whilst Angelina Jolie will be damned due to her untowards appearance and look that no guys ever turned their heads when she walks pass. hehehehe

Footwear said...

I love to read about footwear


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