Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Personal Visit

When I go off from this world, I do not wish my loved ones to carry a ritual to visit my grave every so often. As far as I understand, the dead lives in a totally different world beyond our comprehension of which it may be separated by thousands of millions of light years apart and yet it is inexplicably as close as a heartbeat away.

Be as it may, even if my grave goes unmarked, I would still be just as close without the symbolism comes into the picture. Need not for my loved ones to dirty their feet with the cemetery soils; I would only then yearning for the Al-Fatihah to be articulated sparked by their sincere hearts, anytime, anywhere. That’s all matters!

Though my understanding is as such, I personally take it differently to honor my old folks apart from having recited a verse or two of surah at my disposal every now and then. I will sure make a point to visit their graves every time I set foot in kampung. I was at the cemetary on that Sunday evening, two days before Hari Raya, after battling through heavy traffics back to my hometown for 12 long hours, and my back was killing me. To make it personal, I went to the cemetery without anyone’s knowledge. My wife will only know after reading this.

The cemetery was kind of isolated, over at the corner of the kampung. So quiet, while walking; you could hear clearly your feet brushed with the grass, every snap of the stick stepped onto and the crispy sound of the dead leaves plundered into. It was rather strange but nice when you could hardly hear anything except the ever pleasant wheezing cadence of the wind blow and the chirping of birds coupled with minute rattling & clattering sounds of bugs and insects.

I felt like my grandpa & grandma was waiting for my arrival and I felt like an obvious bulge if not lump in my throat upon seeing their burial grounds positioned next to each other. The gust of feeling in me was so personal. At the very instance, my eyes watered. Mind you, they were to me just like father & mother to most people because they took care of me ever since I was still a baby of merely a year old. I was in the state of denial for so long when I was a kid before I could accept the fact that they were not my parents but my grandparents. The irony is, deep down in my heart, until this day, they were parents to me and still are.

I settled myself in the grass, presented them with Al-Fatihah & Qul-Huallah before I proceed with Ratib, Yassin & Do’a. You know what? Throughout the rendezvous (as I may call), at times I choked when I felt like they were so close to me as if they were thanking me for the visit and I felt like some kind of two-way communications, telling them what’s hidden in my heart, thanking them for their struggle to raise me up and even apologizing for the shortcomings on my side where they were still alive and so forth. Never mind on the shortfalls over me when I was a small boy because God just want me to see the hikmah hidden behind it.

I couldn’t help it but cried. I sat there and I really cried. Since I was all alone, I let go the whole feelings & emotions. It took me long minutes clearing up my tears in the car before headed back home for buka puasa.

GAB: There was another round of visit on Hari Raya when I brought the whole family to the graveyard.


anggerik merah said...

Lovely entry!

Anonymous said...

Bila di tanah perkuburan, kita tidak berbicara dengan diri sendiri, Gab, mereka tahu kita datang...dan di pagi hari raya mereka memang menunggu.
Tahukah...bila kita memberi salam dengan menyebut nama mereka, mereka akan menjawabnya....

Kak Teh said...

Gab, Al Fatehah kepada semua yang telah pergi. Masa kak teh balik ke malaysia dan ziarah kubur Pak dan Tok, kak teh 'cakap' juga dengan depa.

myberlingobox said...

Selepas mak saya kembali ke rahmatullah, saya cukup memberi perhatian bila sesiapa bercakap tentang kematian, dan saya yakin doa anak kepada orang tua yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah adalah satu cara komunikasi. Maka selalu-selalulah berdoa kepada mereka yang telah pergi sebab ia merupakan 3 perkara yang tidak akan terputus jika kita mati kelak.....this raya is the first time without 'mak'. Semoga Allah memberi rahmat ke atas roh mak. Dan InsyaAllah kita akan berjumpa lagi di akhirat kelak. InsyaAllah. Sayunyaaaa.

dlt said...

Sometimes a visit to the graveyard lebih mengingatkan kita pada kematian. Mendoakan kepada yang telah pergi, itu yang kita mampu lakukan. Nice entry, Gab.

Anonymous said...

I can feel it. I was raised by grandparents also, even worse with many siblings & cousins had to live under the same roof. We were the unfortunate bunch. Once they were all gone, then I missed them a lot, still feeling like they were my own parents.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's me, remember? At MCMC office, Cyberjaya and together with Afrizal at Dato' Shaziman's office, KTAK. Hope to see you at MDC Open House at Nikko Hotel today.

Nice entry Z... GAB!

Psstt... You were nice in that cashmere!

Anonymous said...

alahai..syahdunya entri si gab kali ni...teringat kat opah saya (dua2 sebelah emak & abah) dah lama meninggal, terasa bila dorang dah takde lagi, raya tak semeriah dulu...

rad said...

Tuan Gab, (remind me of 'mind-the-gap' playing when the door open for the Tube -heheh)
You're echoing my sentiment exactly.
1. Doa dari mana2 pun akan sampai insyaAllah tapi pagi Syawal mak tetap nak pergi ziarah kubur yg menjadi kawasan kampung plg happening (read as stalled traffic) - tak sesuai dgn keadaan mak yg dah uzur.
2. I wonder over certain practices like tabur bunga2, etc - what're the dos & donts of ziarah kubur? We have to menuntut ilmu ni..
3. Merc vs BMW? (belum masa lagi for me - Volvo not bad lah)
4. "How nice if I do have my own kids?"

Thx for your visit.

~ GAB ~ said...

Thank you for all the comments.

AM --> Thanks so much

AMARIA --> Thank you for the info

KAK TEH --> I am touched by your write-up on your Pak... Al-Fatehah for him...

BERLINGO --> Thanks for sharing it.

ANONYMOUS --> Yeah... we were in the same boat when we were small. But now it's time for us to go on and live. Al Fatehah to all the deceased.

DLT --> Thanks for dropping over. That's right, visiting the graveyard indeed makes us realize we are the passers by in this world.

TINA --> Yeah, I remember you. You have a good memory, I was just briefly told my blog's URL while talking after the meeting the other day and here you are. I couldn't make it for the Open House at Nikko Hotel yesterday as I had to attend similar function somewhere else.

KICAPSODA --> Yeah, it's sad... Later on we are gonna be in their positons as the old-man figure fr our youngs.

RAD --> Thanks for comin' over.

1. Right, doa dari mana2 pun sampai cuma hikmah menziarah adalah utk kita mengingati hidup ini adalah sementara, sampai masa kita mati
2. Show of respect I guess...
3. Any car will do to me... Just a matter of getting me from point A to point B.
4. You will have it one day and you will definitely enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Al-fatihah buat semua yg telah meninggalkan kita.


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