Ghost! What Ghost?
Berlingo’s quest was inspired by a tease in our community forum about ghostly figures & phantoms and strange noises that were reported being seen and heard apart from some other inexplicable occurrences experienced by people. The conscientious head honcho igniting the rag was Kudin. It is believed that due to the people were killed, aptly to scene of carnage in the area, it in some way, our neighbourhood become haunted. This is an account from my neighbour KC in her blog.
I don’t know how far the truth is. As far as I am concerned I still laugh off over the buzz. I even challenged on the possibility of meeting a ghostly figure myself. But then, I am not too sure how I would react if the figure really appears right before me though. I hope I won’t be frozen to death! In jest, I even said wanting to meet up with a phantom of Al-Tantuya, a Mongolian lady of whom was depleted to bits with explosives after being shot dead on her fateful night last year. The ferocity took place some kilometers away from our place. It became big news in the country not only due to the brutality that had been but also when it was convoluted with VIP’s involvement.
CRUMBLED MONUMENT: It proofs that the tragedy has slipped off from people’s minds after 30 years it happened. It serves as a reminder that after some time of our passing, we would well be forgotten also.
Courtesy: Berlingo
OVERLOOKING THE HIGHWAY: Nobody knew the site would then be as it is now and I never thought of staying in a place I call home not far from it.
Courtesy: Berlingo
Speaking of haunted and ghosts thing, when I was a boy of 11 years, it was said that Wak Lah, a bomoh in our area, was in possession of a skull of a man from Thailand who was hacked to death and decapitated. The skull was kept in a huge ceramic vase (tempayan) under his house wrapped in layers of yellow cloths. The tempayan itself looked scary enough with the moss covered the outer part of it, dusty on the lid made out of hardwood. Let alone when the house was old and spooky, far off from other neighbours’, surrounded by creepy big trees with leaves pouting at the top that it gets dark early in a day. The “kemenyan” scent was the fragrance of choice in the house – perhaps due to Ambi Pur was not in business yet.For some odd reason we found it ridiculous to ask adults whether the skull was really in there or not. At least that was the talk among us kids. We kids believed what we decided to believe. It was also said that, when past midnight, if you were to bring an egg as an offering to the spirit, you’d see a long slithering tongue protrude over licking the egg in your hand but your life would be spared. It wouldn’t break the egg, left it intact but once you crack open, you’d find it empty.
I had a funny idea together with my buddy Ariff. We planned for an offering just to see the slinking swathe of the ghost’s tongue feasting on egg.
On that particular night as planned, we were all ready but it was a bad start when neither one of us wanted to hold the egg in hand but just to be a spectator. I had the egg stolen from granny’s fat chicken in the den. After some arguments in the dark, I gave in when we came to term that he had to be next to me all the way through, holding hands. There we go; I was the one with the egg in hand that would be the master of the show.
We walked ever so slowly approaching the bomoh’s house with the tempayan as a spot marked as X. You couldn’t imagine our heartbeats at that moment even when we were actually still some 100 meters away from the spot. Goosebumps were like thousands of small nipples enveloped the whole body, hairs sticking up like a porcupine. It felt like the heart was jumping off the chest. Every tiny sound of anything seemed to be too outrageous. In the compound of the house, some 20, 30 meters away from the target, it was so dark that we could hardly see each other’s face but the path we walked was not strange to us.
After number of stops and hesitance, double-checking on our motivations and the barometer of our confidence, we were finally under the roofed side of the house with the tempayan was only some 5 meters away at the “tiang seri” (major pillar) under the house. The moment we were about to duck for head clearance to enter beneath the house floor, I felt Ariff’s hand jerked as if he was puling off, brought a heavy gust of blood in me, not to mention sweating profusely, breathing ever so short. In reaction to that, I shuddered just as much. Upon feeling I had the same reaction; Ariff displayed sign of aggravation. I swear I could hear his heartbeat racing with mine, even louder when we hit the same note at the same time.
It happened in just a matter of seconds when the fusion of scare in us escalated rapidly from double to triple, from triple to quadruple and kabaam-boom just like the multiplications of nuclei joining together in atomic fusion of the atomic bomb. And so did to what entailed in our chaotic reactions whether to defy or to recoil from our hallucinations and deliriums created in our minds as if we were cornered by spirits, with long, slithering and menacing tongues everywhere around us. As far as I can remember, I took a step back. Ariff did just as many but with greater speed and longer span, followed by my other step back with a speed to counter his but overdone. Then he stepped back faster and longer. I copied and added, so did he. And it went on and on in that short period of time until we finally found ourselves split and running like crazy, just followed our gut feelings not knowing what we would hit in the dark. “Hungga sapa kecik ppalo-ppalo” (read: Run helter skelter until the head shrinks). That must be the fastest run in my life that possibly beat the hell out of Ben Johnson of my age.
Fortunately all trees were left unharmed and we didn’t hit square to the barbed wire fence when we maneuvered the tough corner that would put Michael Schumacher or Mick Doohan to shame, escaped with only some cuts I called it scratches that good enough to bleed and had it nursed for weeks. We were also lucky for not trampled into cow dung, except for the torn kain pelikat that had to give way to serious punching of long steps taken with legs spread wider than the rhythmic gymnasts would – as stupendous as a speedy-chicken Road Runner.
The egg was dropped somewhere at the back or it could’ve had crushed in my grip. The grip was perhaps so forceful that if it was a rock in my hand, the rock would’ve turned diamond. I can testify to that slimy thing in my hand that I later found, it was the crushed egg – confirmed it was not cow dung.
And I became the prime suspect for the missing egg that tagged with a serial number and bar-coded by granny!
Just another foiled mission for a close encounter with the spirit and ghost, as what I thought, but I actually met many "ghosts" and "vampires" in the broad daylight in the real life.
What about you, met any ghosts before?
Note: Now I am developing a habit of asking question at the end of my entry.
urhkk.. i'm the type yg lemah semangat. i dare not challenge myself to 'see' unwanted things ever in this life. my close encounter with the unseen creatures was way back in mrsmkt. i easily hilang semangat & that shall make me difficult to sleep (with loud heart beating who could sleep kan?). one night, i felt 'uneasy' so had my ablution and ready to recite quran in the lounge. our dorm was made from wood, so what you're about to read is pretty scary or shall i requote unexplainable. when i started few lines of surah yassin, i heard loud knock underneath. another friend of mine (who was revising) noticed and we both exchanged look. she tried to comfort me and from her eyes, i know she heard it too, so it was not my imagination. i quickly changed to another spot (still within the lounge though) and the same thing happen. another knock under my exact position! she joined me reciting yassin but we both were shaken and already stuttering! that was the most horrible experience ever.
every now and then, i still get the meremang bulu roma episodes. if you have some good ayat to read please share (i just read the 4 quls shud i feel tak sedap hati).
ps sorry my comment is too long
I pun nak cerita panjang macam mommy@lif...tak pe kan...
18 september 1989 satu 'hantu langsuir' , rambut panjang mengurai, muka menakutkan dan ada taring datang dalam mimpi sewaktu selepas bersalin anak ke 3 di sebuah hospital bersalin swasta di kuantan. Memang I nampak real muka dia dengan dia siap kata " aku mahu anak kau " dan terbang betul-betul depan my bed, I terkejut dan jerit Allahuakbar!! security guard datang dan tanya " puan ok ? ", I terjaga, rupanya I memang betul-betul jerit "Allahuakbar " bukan mimpi... lepas tu I tak tidur dan tak padamkan lampu...esok pagi terus discharged dan 'jage' anak I baik-baik.....tak bersalin kat hospital tu dah....
Well, hantu memang ada...jin/iblis semuanya makhluk Allah.
:) kawae takut sungguh ko hatu...kalu malae memae tok kelua nyo sbb kawae ni tok kuat hugga! hahahaha
eh, demo nebour ko dengae k c...hehehe...comey deh dia tu? ado number telepon ko? hehehehe
happened long ago whilst on duty in a male ward...10pm lights out so everyone in the tv room have to return to their bed but this one guy was doing some light exercise in the garden and I left the french door at the patio open for him to come in and 50 steps into the first ward this same guy was already in bed asleep!!!so who was out there??? a ghost??there's no other way he can come in instead that french door.....up to now typing this I can still picture his face.
uhuk..uhuk..patutlah asyik tersedak sejak semalam rupa2nye nama cheq kena mention..huhuhu, malunye cheq! malu tapi mahu...awwwww!
to idham, haa aah ye ler comey..comey cam adibah noor tu adalah...hahahaha!
skrg ni cheq lebih takut hantu manusia dari hantu setan (wink!)
am back..:0)
eh..i thought i see a ghost vampire by the nickname of Gab? :0)
love the way u tell ur stories..u r a great story teller..
i tak pernah jumpa benda ni.. but i kena kacau one day masa i was still studying at the uni..
i was cycling to the rented house.. keluar ja dari ukm, sebelum sampai the roundabout towards section 2 tu, there is a line of trees left n right alongside the road.. it was late at night..
at one part of the road, lampu memang tak berfungsi.. gamaknya the light bulb terbakar..masa lalu that section, my mountain bike was suddenly so very heavy.. it was as if somebody tengah tumpang belakang my bicycle.. at the same time, the smell of a very strong flower.. the smell of flowers u usually find at the graveyard areas..choked my nose.. tawakkal punya tawakkal.. dengan sekuat dan selaju mungkin (berat gila basikal i).. i passed that dark alley.. n lepas tu.. Xtra speed sampai rumah sewa kat section 2..
lepas sampai rumah,i tengok jam..masa i kena kacau was (in my estimation) tepat pukul 12 tengah malam.... am so glad whatever it is (my guess is it was jin nakal). i am so glad it decided not to show itself hehehe..
ni ni bukan jenis lemah semangat.. am not even the screaming kalau jadi apa apa pun i senyap ja la kot..
Sir, r u a fan of KISS's gene simmons? or u grew up listening to those 70s (and 80s glam rock) rock bands?
Speaking of the devil in a matter-of-factly...hhhmmm...Hantu eh...i had one hantu raya befriended me for coupla months when i was about 3 and a half years old. He made me tell him all that i did the whole day everytime he reappeared before i sleep in a shape of an adult man wrapped in some black-ish clothes at night. I wasnt that afraid of him but such encounter was rather tiring esp that he kept forcing me to stay awake. Sometimes i begged him to leave coz i got more and more exhausted but no, he's adamant as ever. Bloody (curses) lonely hantu!
After my dad took me to a powerful white bomoh, he (the hantu raya) finally agreed on departing. That was in Pekan, Pahang. And shortly after that, we moved to bangi before i hit 4 yrs old. encounter of the bad jinn kind.
Salam Bro Gab,
Just like KC, I think I am more scared of 'hantu manusia' than 'hantu jin'.
At least Jihn will be more respectful when we recite Ayat Kursi, etc. Hantu Manusia tak takut semua2 tu... hehe..
Kawan saya kata..saper2 yg tak pernah jumpa hantu maknanya org tu lagi HANTU ..dari hantu.. Hantu takut HANTU !!! Betul ker?
So far, never seen any.Alhamdulillah.
But `funny2' sounds...yes, I heard a few times.
Eeeeee...Gab, I takut tengok movie hantu, nanti my hubby kena suruh tunggu kat bathroom..he he.
Oops...lupa nak wish you.
'Happy Valentine's Day' to you and loved ones. Alahai, memang ada orang marah sibuk2 Valentine, but just for the fun of it. Hari people celebrate love. Ok lah tu.
sometimes when i'm alone.... i scared to see "hantu".... but nowdays "orang perangai mcm hantu" is more familiar with us right???.... so, better careful to "orang perangai mcm hantu" than real hantu..... ahaksss.......
MOMMY ALIF --> 1st, Awhhh... you were in MRSM KT!
Thanks for sharing the story. Must be keck of an experience for you. You may detail that out in your blog, I'd go read there.
RINA JORDAN --> That's pretty interesting. I heard stories about this before from others but this is the first time heard from a person who actually experienced it first hand. And I wonder, is it really happen if we are in total state of consciousness?
IDHAM --> Tak hungga kuat male dih? Demo suko beghene kalu tengoh male bakali? wahahahaha
Yeah, KC is my neighbour. She sure is heck of a beauty Bro.
KAK ELLE --> Oh dear! There are a lot of stories happen in hospitals. Is it due to many deaths happened over there or perhaps weak bodies of patients that contribute to weak souls?
KC --> Benar KC... Hantu manusia is much worst than Hantu Setan. That's why I said, I necer actually met the real ghosts but the ones in broad day light in the real life...plenty... *wink jugak*
SIMAH --> GAB... Vampire? hehehe
Thanks for your kind words SIMAH. I try to be better.
I noticed you were heck of a girl with no fear. In normal circumstances, girls would be the firsts to scream out loud until they become histeric.
Kalau hantu kat Turkey macam mana ek? Hmmm....
MANAL --> KISS was one of the bands, yeah. I loved heavy ones back then.
Waaaaa.... you have a wonderful experience to befriend with Hantu Raya.
Is there any way to call back at your will nowadays?
NJ --> You have a point there. These hantu manusia will never be deterred with any ayat, be as it may yassin or 4 Qul for that matter. It only works when we hit them with 2Qul (read: TUKUL)
KOPI O --> I heard that often when it comes to "Hantu pun takut nak dekat" when ones behave more hantu than hantu... wakakakak
I have a few accounts on certain thing close to it especially at certain hotels but the actual physical presence of it, not yet. I wish I had.
RUBY --> Takut hantu ek? hehehe
Thank you for the wish. I am the most liberal person that one can be. It's not celebrating Valentine's Day that matters here because I am not celebrating eiher. No harm to observe it when nothing in mind to condone what the history has to tell behind it all. After all we are talking about love.
BUNGA --> Right Miss BUNGA. The actual hantu we are supposed to be scared of is "manusia perangai macam hantu". We don't have that many "hantu" in our place in Saujana Bunga. Alhamdulillah and I hope it'll maintain that way for years to come.
i am always kind with my words *wink*
hantu kat turki banyak kat bars n nightclubs everywhere ..
tapi la kan.. gamaknya benda ni suka kacau orang lemah semangat kot coz kat my dad in law's summer house kat sapanca.. i stayed there like forever every summer n i tak pernah kena kacau.. my lil sis.. she went there tidur semalam aja.. terus aja kena *lock*..kunci satu badan.. interesting thoughts la..
for ur info.. orang turki tak percaya ghost mcm kita orang mesia :0)
kapal terbang jatuh tu i still remember when i was still very kecik (belum sekolah pun) semua us in sg plong n merbau sempak kecoh.
my arwah datuk went to the site tp the stories/ facts about it... too long dah tak ingat :-P
SIMAH --> *Wink balik* I used to have a lady friend like you, not afraid of anything when it comes to ghosts. She was even offered by a bomoh to carry "ilmu" that interact win JIN but she refused. Well, beyond my comprehension that is.
YT --> Ahah... you're the local. Hmmm, you know the place better then.
Now I call myself local as well, I make a home over at the place.
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