Friday, January 20, 2006

The Lightning Strikes The Bridge

One of the books that I enjoy reading, PSYCHO-CYBERNETIC by Donna Sommers. The book has taught me something. It is first published in 1960's. The book has been improvised by a student of hers titled PSYCHO-CYBERNETIC 2000. The content in the book is very much spiritual in the context of opening up our minds in facing harsh reality of life. In other context, it may as well serve as handbook for soul-searchers. I recommend you (read, YOU) to have a copy of the book. You may buy it at MPH Book Store.

One of the lines in the book I want to share here is "The lightning striked the bridge while you were on it. With or without you on the bridge, lightning still strike the bridge". (Literally in Bahasa Malaysia: Petir memanah jambatan semasa anda berada di atasnya. Samada anda berada di atas jambatan atau tidak, petir tetap memanah jambatan tersebut).These lines has left me with deep thoughts. What exactly it means?

It means, whatever problems we are facing, it is due to the involvement of us in the matter whether with or without our consent. If we in the first place have nothing to do with the matter, not even knowing the existence of matter, not having any slightest thought of it, let alone the physical involvement or any other things possible that might relate to us in any ways, we will definitely not have to face the ground zero effect nor the shrapnels and debris out of it. On the other side of the leaf, though we have nothing to do whatsoever with the matter, yet the same problem still exists and it persists, perhaps other people have to face it.

In running our daily lives, we somehow may be caught in the situations where we have to face the tribulations & predicaments and we find it so hard to be out of it. Worst still, we never plan to even be in the cause of it initially. We know that somehow we have to face it.

Since we are left with no choice but to face it, why not we just tell ourselves this is only temporary. Problems are not meant to ruin us up but to enhance us instead. If we do not face this problem, we might be facing another set of problems somewhere... still a problem. If we think the existing problem shouldn't be ours and there must be someone else dealing with it, yupe, correct thinking,... but... in a matter of "problem" as per se.... it is still there waiting to be dealt with...

Think about it!


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